Goodbye 2014

Bye Bye

It is time to say goodbye to another year.

I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of 2014 and I’m here writing my last post of the year (well the last before the last one, lol). Where has the time gone?

So much has happened this year, good & bad. I failed almost in all of my goals that I have set for myself for this year, lol, but I did manage to learn so much about myself and see others through clearer goggles. I was able, by the end of the year, to be more assertive about people’s requests but also I am more motivated to accomplish what I want (why couldn’t it come earlier… oh well).

I wanted to share with you the 4 most important things I’ve learned this year… So here they are.

Time management. This is very hard for me and I still struggle with this. In order for me to be more productive in my work, hobbies and also having time for my family & friends, I had to learn to manage my time better, much better! This means giving up on other things, there is no other way.

Putting yourself and your needs first. OK! This is by far the hardest for me yet. I am getting better at identifying when someone truly needs me at that moment or it can wait for a while. I am still working on this, but I did learn, the hard way, that if I don’t put my need first, no one will. I will never accomplish what I want for myself and that will be a shame.

Positive thoughts go a long way. This is something I’ve learned that helped me in every aspect of my life.

Sharing my writing or sharing in general, is truly great and extremely helpful in order to get a better understanding of my readers and meet new people… I’ve grown to love it very much.

There are a few things I still need to learn and do better at, but that’s why there are New Year’s Resolutions, lol.

As I look back at the crazy year that almost gone, there is one thing that I am more than happy about and that is, You! I’ve been so lucky to make this blog and meet so many fantastic and creative people online. It means so much to me that someone out there found my blog and decides to read, share, and engage with me through comments and through other social media I am on. This is, by far, was the best part of my year (I know it may sound lame, but that’s the truth).

This blog is still young (almost 3 months), but I already learned so much and that is extremely precious to me. Thank you so much for being here for me and I hope you continue with me as we enter the new year of 2015 towards new adventures.

So, what’s next for me?

Well… That’s for a whole new post 😉

But for now, I would love to know how are you closing the year of 2014? Are you excited for the New Year to come? Do you have new plans or new goals? I’m looking forwards to see your comments.

If there’s anything you’d love to see here, let me know!

Happy Holidays & Thank you so much for reading ❤


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13 thoughts on “Goodbye 2014

  1. I started following your blog just before NaNoWriMo. I had a bad year of totally not writing at all. Your 3 part article helped me get back into writing again. I did NaNoWriMo with a memoir type journal. Loved it. My goal was to write first every day, and write 2K a day. I did that which got me back on schedule. Then I signed on to a short story class in December. Glad to say, I am back writing almost every day and I practice my Write First rule often. I admit to slipping occasionally when I’m taking an online class.

    I wish you much success with your 2015 goals. Yes, I’m working on mine also, thanks in part to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How sweet of you, thank you so much. Glad you are dedicated to your writing. It’s hard to write every day, but it helps so much. I write even when I don’t feel like writing, lol, but it helps.
      Thank you so much btw for following and for your lovely comment. it truly makes my day reading this ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your 2014 reflections! Personally, I always love rolling over to a new year. It creates such a positive, psychological shift for me. I’ll post them all on my blog, but most of my resolutions revolve around being healthy and taking my writing to a professional level. Exciting stuff! Can’t wait to hear what’s next for you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aw, thank you so much 🙂 My resolutions will be in my next post, but they are much like yours I think, lol, Fitenss and be more healthy and my taking my writing to the next level ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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