🌞The Sunshine Blogger Award🌞

Hello everyone, hope you are having a great weekend ❤

It’s been a while since I saw a blog award of some sort around the blogging community. When I just started blogging 4.5 years ago the blogging community was filled with tons of blog awards, tags and other blog-sharing posts to know better of the people behind the wonderful blogger’s community. And now, I’ve been tagged by the wonderful Hilary from sereneluna blog. If you don’t know Hilary from her beautiful blog and her joyful Instagram, go check her out after you read this post. Don’t forget to say Hi and get to know another great blogger by following her inspiring posts.


The Sunshine Blogger Award has rules (surprise, surprise!). These rules ensure the success of this award, providing exposure to all the award winners. The rules are quite simple and straightforward.


  • Thank the person who nominated you and provides a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  • List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.


1. Why did you decide to start a blog? I have started blogging because I wanted to share my passion for writing, book, and life with other people who have the same passion. I love the positive community and how people show their kindness and compassion for others, it’s just inspiring and motivating ❤

2. What year did you publish your first blog post? My first weird (lol) blog post was published in 2014 and it’s called This Is Me. Go check it out even for just a laugh, hehe.

3. What is your favorite thing about blogging? The obvious reason is the wonderful community, but I also love the writing aspect of blogging. To just write a more free aspect of writing. I am now editing my novel so having fun to just write and share my thoughts, some writing tips, and about my life, is very freeing and almost like therapy (hehe).

4. Do you own a pet? If so, what kind? We (my husband and I) care for the most beautiful, joyful, old and crazy dog named Menta (Mint) 😀 She doesn’t have a specific breed.

Menta Balli, Dog, Coffee n' Notes

5. Do you have any routines before you write a blog post? It’s not much of a routine, but if I have to really sit down and brainstorm ideas…

  • I like to sit by my desk and take a piece of paper and just brainstorm ideas and what I really feel I would like to read or write about.
  • Then I go into Grammarly and start writing a rough draft of my blog post and copy it into my WordPress blog post.
  • I like to search for pictures and edit them on Canva (I only have the free version and that’s enough for me) ❤
  • If I don’t have time and I am of the house for most of the day, I like to do it all on my phone and my favorite app to brainstorm ideas in is Google Keep 😀

6. What motivates you to write? Where do you find inspiration? Omg, this can be a long answer, but I will try to keep it short. Writing for me is like therapy, so I always write, hehe… If it’s a diary, poems/songs, blog post or novel form… I will always write because it keeps me sane and connected and that’s what motivates me to keep going even if I will be 80 years old and still haven’t published a word, I will keep writing 😀

I find inspiration everywhere… Books, people, movies, dreams, other blogs and sites, and pictures.

7. What country do you live in? I live in Israel ❤

8. Are you a coffee or tea drinker? I am mostly a coffee drinker but I do love tea as well and I have a cupboard filled with tea boxes of all sorts to prove it 😉

9. Are you a morning person or a night person? I am a night person that has to be a morning person due to my mom’s illness and the fact that Ralfi (my husband) always said he misses me. I am getting used to it, but my most productive writing sessions are at night or very early mornings.

10. What languages do you speak? I speak Hebrew, English, a bit of Hungarian and a bit of Spanish. I do understand very well Romanian but I don’t speak the language.

11. What do you fear the most? Wow, that a very personal question (I love it)… Other than bugs and mostly Cockroaches? I think I fear that people will think I am totally ugly (I know it’s superficial but sadly we live a world that judges you on how you look not on what you are as a person) and I also fear that when a struggle presents itself that I won’t be strong enough to deal with it.

Sunshine, Coffee n' Notes



Heena Rathore P.

Kate M. Colby

Emily from A Quintillion Words

Lauren from Bournemouth Girl

Kristy from teabookandme

Melanie from Mel To The Any

Simple Ula


Aloma from Aloma Writes

Jen Dollente

And all of you that are reading this ❤

My Questions to you:

  1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
  2. Is blogging your full-time job?
  3. What kind of blog posts are you most looking for to read?
  4. If you knew you would die tomorrow (knock on wood 3 times, hehe just in case) what would be your last post about?
  5. Do you believe in true love?
  6. Which do you love more… Reading books or watching movies (name your #1 book or movie).
  7. What are you most passionate about?
  8. Do you exercise, do yoga or just chill on the sofa?
  9. What do you see when you open a window?
  10. What is your best tip to organize your day?
  11. Any wisdom to share or your favorite quote?

There is no pressure to respond to this nomination, as I know you have very busy lives outside of the blogging world. I look forward to reading your answers if you do decide to participate in the Sunshine Blogger Award. I am curious to know what your answers are 😀

That is all for today’s post and I will see you again tomorrow.

As always, thank you so much for reading ❤

GalitLet’s chat on:

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18 thoughts on “🌞The Sunshine Blogger Award🌞

  1. Galit, thank you soooo much for posting this and a big congratulations! 🎊🎉🍾 You really do deserve it! I loved reading your answers and definitely learned more about you. Your fears… you are beautiful and I want you to know that, and your soul is beautiful too ❤️ I also think I am ugly (my wedding picture is truly the only nice photo of me) and I like to hide behind glasses. I also fear bugs and cockroaches. Bugs are the biggest motivation to make me clean since I hate cleaning. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww, you are so sweet and kind Thank you hun 😭😍❤ LOL I love to do that as well, to hind behind my glasses and know that you are beautiful and your wedding pictures are amazing ❤
      Omgosh I hate cleaning as well, hehe but I hate bugs more 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bugs are terrifying! 😱 My biggest fear would definitely be a cockroach infestation. We used to have neighbors at our last place who had a bug problem and we were only separated by a wall. I cleaned so much that week and didn’t sleep much. 😓🤭

        Liked by 1 person

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