November Goals

Hey all, I hope you’re having a great day and If you are participating in Nanowrimo, I hope you are having a good writing day ❤

Before we dive into this month’s goals I want to do a small review of how I did with my October goals, and I can tell you straight away, that I didn’t do that good.

My October Goals are:

  1. Re-organizing my summer to fall/winter closet. ❌ ((Didn’t even start on that, oops))
  2. Re-organize kitchen cabinets. ❌ ((Didn’t want to do it, hehe))
  3. Finish outlining the series. ✔
  4. Continue editing (2 chapters at least). ✔
  5. Prepare for NaNoWriMo (oh yeah, this year I am all in). ✔
  6. Finish all my commitments before Nanowrimo. ✔
  7. Read 8 books (OMG, yes… 8 books, hehe) 😀 ❌ ((Finished 7 books))

So as you see there were a few things I haven’t finished in October and a few I did finish.

November Goals & TBR

Here are my November goals:

  1. Win Nanowrimo (write 50K).
  2. Paint behind the stove. ✔
  3. Blog 2-3 times a week.
  4. Duolingo daily.
  5. Yoga 3 times a week.
  6. Declutter the closet room.
  7. Read 2 books.

Books I’m reading this month

I set a goal to read at least 10 books until 2019 and because I am doing Nanowrimo, I know I will not have much time to read, so I am planning to read only 2 books this month. One is fiction and the other is not.

You Are A Badass, Coffee n' NotesI’ve read lots of mixed review on Goodreads and youtube, so I wanted to give it ago. I usually don’t read the self-help books, but I want to try and read more of different genres and see if I like it or not 😀

Shadow of the Fox, Coffee n' Notes

This was in my October TBR and I didn’t have time to read it, so I added to my November TBR.

Kingdom of Ash, Coffee n' Notes

Bonus book if by chance I will have a bit of time or mood to read more. I really want to read this book.

What are some of your goals for this month?

As always, thank you so much for reading ❤

GalitLet’s chat on:

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4 thoughts on “November Goals

  1. I have similar goals as you this month, Galit! I’m mostly trying to focus on the writing, the Duolingo and blogging goals, except mine aren’t as frequent as yours (because I know I won’t finish them otherwise). What language are you learning on Duolingo?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I know it’s so hard to write and blog, lol.
      I am learning Turkish Becuase my husband’s family is Turkish and I would love to know what they are saying, lol. Romanian because of my family the same reasons and I think of trying French 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s amazing, I can barely grasp one other language, let alone the languages you can speak! It is difficult, to keep on blogging and writing at the same time, I can never keep to both goals, I always alternate between the two, which is annoying. But fingers crossed, this will be my month! Good luck with your goals this month Galit, especially with NaNoWriMo – judging by your progress already, you’re going to smash it 🙂 ♥

        Liked by 1 person

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