Mini Update


Hey everyone,

Sorry for the long absence (again).

I was still feeling ill and my mom had to move to a new home. We had to search fast for a new and better home for her and finally, we found one.

It is close by so I can still visit her a lot and I hope that slowly she will love it there ❀

Even though this move was very emotional for her and physically challenging, I still think that this new place is a bit more suitable for her needs. Moving to a new place is always scary and it feels weird for both of us, but I think she is ready for a new start and maybe she will be able to feel as this is her new home.

What about me?

Well… I still have this sore throat going on (yep, still), maybe it’s just due to the cold weather (I really don’t know, nor the doctor knows, lol). I feel tired but I know that things will come down (they had to, right?).

Things I have done:

My revision is all done ((Happy Dance)).

I’m is still at the beginning with my editing, but I did start ((so proud)), lol.

I am almost done with the review for the book I just finished reading for Heena πŸ™‚

Decluttered my computer (a bit) and mostly my closets.

Other than that everything goes on the back burner because my mom has a lot of doctors appointments this month, due to a surgery she is about to undergo, so… there are many things to plan and do.

However, I have already scheduled a few posted that will be posted this week and next week and even 2 new + old series that will come by the end of the month (Oh yeah.. Feeling very productive, lol) πŸ˜€

Btw, if you ever want to reach me just to talk or ask me something, I downloaded most of my social media accounts to my phone so I could be more connected with you all ❀ I missed you all so much ❀

I have tons of blog posts reading, lol, to do on the weekend and I can’t wait to see what I’ve missed πŸ˜€

I hope you all having a nice day and I will see you on Friday πŸ˜€

As always, thank you so much for reading ❀

GalitLet’s chat on:

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5 thoughts on “Mini Update

  1. Good to hear from you again. πŸ™‚ I know what it’s like to be taken over by everything though. I hope things get better for you.

    Liked by 1 person

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