Writer’s Log: June Goals

Hello everyone, and a wonderful Sunday to you all ❤

Wow, I’ve just noticed that we are closing in on the end of the Writer’s Log series, only 2-3 more posts… Wow 😀

So I think you may already know but I failed in 2 goals in May, but I am so happy that I had the chance to write, declutter a lot of things, edit and meditate… Overall, it was a good month. I still hope to do better this month 🙂

Waking up at 5:15 am

LOL, I can already hear your laughter in my mind. But I still want to try… Waking up at 4 am didn’t go so well, so I hope that waking up at 5:15 will be a bit easier 🙂

Write 15K

I am slowly getting back to my writing and to my editing which feels amazing. I am more determined and much more willing to give up on everything in order to just write, edit and finish these books. So as you’ve seen in my Building a Road Map (5-Year Plan), I didn’t plan on writing at all up until June, because I wanted to focus more on decluttering and organizing but now… Now I am ready to get back and write and my goal is to write 15K.

Finish Reading

I’ve still haven’t finished reading the books in my May TBR, so I want to focus on that as well and finish reading those books.

Keep Decluttering

I want to also focus on decluttering our home, as I am far from finished, hehe but I will do it slowly as I am more focused on my writing this month. I want to finish decluttering our big white closet this month.


After my birthday and after we will be finished the Writer’s Log series, I will know better on how much to post in June. But if you want you can comment below if you liked me posting almost every day (and work more on every day) or 3 times a week or less.


Summer is here already with days of 38 degrees Celsius and we are yet officially entered summer. I want to pick up journaling again because this summer I don’t know why but it’s becoming much harder for me to function in this heat, and I know that as we push further to the hotter days of 45-49 degrees Celsius, I know that my illness will act up and I am afraid I will lose my memory again, so I want to make sure that I am well organized and start journaling now my every day, so if something would happen, I will already have a good reference to look at and not get to stressed.

Well, that is it for my goals for this month, there are a few hard ones and a few easy goals, but I hope I will be able to achieve most of them 😀

What is your goal for June? Did you choose something to focus on this month?  let me know in the comments below

As always, thank you so much for reading ❤

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19 thoughts on “Writer’s Log: June Goals

  1. I sold a pen tablet and MacBook in May. My goal for June is to sell more items I’m not using. Also, I would like to complete a couple art projects and sell them too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is so cool that you were able to sell these items 😄 Wow, that’s amazing Hilary, good luck. I hope they will sell well 💕
      Such a creative goal, I miss art a lot, it’s been a few long months for me, maybe I will put it in my July goals 😄👍

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So far electronics and baby toys seem to sell the best, but I am also trying to sell some aroma therapy supplies. I have way too much stuff and prefer a certain kind of essential oil + diffuser, so there’s no need for me to keep multiples. I have 12 roll-on essential oils! No human needs 12 (10 were given to me as gifts)

        As for art, these have been projects I’ve put off for a long time and are in my storage closet. I can’t stand to part with these items until I finish the projects. Usually I give my stuff away as presents or donate them. Either way, I’m hoping to finish these projects this year once I’m done posting ads for my items.

        Today I bought something I didn’t need for $20 and it didn’t click until after the fact, so I’m now -$20 which was purely subconscious! Scary stuff. 😱

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I love having a diffuser ❤ I know what you mean, I used to have 7 and I gave 5 away, kept the one I’m using and another one… I sure don’t need that many.
          Happens to me as well with notebooks, lol… I just buy as soon as I see a cute one, but I am working on doing better. It’s okay if it takes time, as long as I am trying 😀

          Liked by 1 person

          1. How did you manage to accumulate 7 diffusers? Lol I like them too but I can’t imagine having that many 😂. The one we have works well and I really like it.

            I’m currently selling the clay diffuser that I got long before we switched to a water-based electric one. Even though it’s sentimental, I don’t have a use for it and it’s not safe to use around toddlers. I started selling sentimental items as a way to leave more room for things that bring joy. 🌺

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Sorry, I meant the roll-on 😀 I used to have 7 roll-on essential oils but now I have 2 ❤
              I do that too, I sell even the sentimental items, especially the ones I no longer love or need.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Ah, ok that makes sense. The sentimental items are certainly hard to let go of, but it’s a sign that we’re entering the next phase of decluttering 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            3. Donations are easier than selling but difficult to let go of the sentimental stuff. I’m proud of what I’ve managed to sell so far and will continue selling more items. Most of the stuff I sell are sentimental items….

              Liked by 1 person

  2. מאמי, נסי כמה שיותר לנוח, לשחזר כל יום כסרט מחדש לא רק בכתב כי גם במוח ויוגה. אוהבת אמא


  3. 🙂 You certainly have things all planned out for the month of June. May you accomplish those goals of yours!

    Liked by 2 people

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