Are You Fast?

How fast do you read? Could you understand what you read and answer some questions on what you read…?

Here is my result:


You can try this test here (if you want) πŸ˜€

ereader test
Source: Staples eReader Department

Just something to do if you like πŸ˜€

Thank you so much for reading ❀


48 thoughts on “Are You Fast?

  1. Was it just me or was that passage a mouthful to read? Guess it is why I have never read war and peace. I am more of a Goodnight Moon girl. LOL

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  2. Not quite as quick as you – 342 words per minute. I’m pleased about being above national average but is the US? Either way, yay me. :)Thank you for linking to that test. I’ve always wondered how fast I read. And I got the questions right, so I’m clearly taking in what I read. Also a relief. Well done on your result as well. πŸ™‚

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  3. One has to read slower anyhow to get the meaning for testing!

    When I was in grade six, I and a few other fast readers were tested for comprehension after reading. They were checking if reading only the third word would give one enough sense of a story.

    365 days in a year – 200 books a year? Some of them would have to be from the shorter genres like romances or westerns. I once read two westerns in one day and I know my sister could polish off three Mills & Boon! Before I started blogging, and writing, I was good for a minimum of three fiction books a week – 156 a year.

    I don’t believe I’m 20% slower than the average reader. πŸ˜€ A second read told me I was 78% faster than average. I don’t believe that either, but for that particular read I am.

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    1. 156 a year is wonderful ❀
      This test is not the most accurate one, but it is fun πŸ˜‰
      I mostly read fantasy books and YA as well, but not romance, I just wish I could afford all the books I want to read πŸ˜€

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      1. My reading tastes are the same as yours then,Galit, though I have read romances when I do the ‘grab any book’ system at the local library. Before my tablet (this year), I only ever paid for books that I had already read and wanted to own. Now I’ve downloaded so many free or cheap ones that I doubt I will ever read them all! Reading would have to be at the top of my favourite pastimes. πŸ˜€

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        1. I hate now having money to buy books 😦
          I can’t buy even those that costs 0.99 – 5.00 dollars, lol. That’s ok though. There are many free books out there in all genres πŸ˜€

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    1. LOL Reading slowly is very good as well, you take your time to take in everything πŸ™‚
      I just learned to read fast (when I was about 8) that way I read more books πŸ˜‰

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  4. 551 wpm (120%) the first test, and 776 wpm (210%) the second time, with all the questions right. Very artificial test though. I read fast at the beginning of a book, before I’ve committed to the story/characters, then slow down to appreciate the nuances once I’ve decided to actually finish. And rereads are always faster. (Both apply to the test samples. I’m not invested, and I’ve read Alice.) More lyrical prose gets savored, I skim when I’m bored, and I skip info dump sections altogether. And of course, there’s the reading faster at the climax of the story.

    Oh, and I do read way faster on my ereader. I read more in the little bits of time between things that way. And it’s far more addictive.

    The biggest factors for me are genre and how much I enjoy the story. It says I can read Sorcerer’s Stone in under 2.5 hours, which I’ve done a few times. But it also says I can read LOTR in 2.5 days. And that’s really closer to two weeks, because I loathe that book/series (don’t judge me!) and have to force myself the whole way.

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    1. I don’t judge people by what they read or don’t πŸ˜€ I believe that there’s a book for everyone out there and not all humans needs to read the same books πŸ˜‰
      You read very fast and this little test is just for the fun of it πŸ˜€ I read much faster from an eBook as well.
      LOTR took me 4 days to read, but I do love the book and the author ❀

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  5. I don’t know how accurate this so called test is…ahaha. For the first try which I believe was an excerpt from The Time Machine my results were 545 words/minute which means 118% faster than the national average. Then I attempted a second try and this time it was an excerpt from Alice in Wonderland and my result was 628 words/min 151% faster than the national average.

    I will admit though I do read much faster when reading an e-book compared to physical copies which I always found kind of odd. Regardless this was fun. Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

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    1. I read much faster on my ereader as well, and I’ve heard that from a lot of people. I wonder why.

      Books also feel shorter to me on an ereader for some reason. I try to only read YA in the physical copy, because it often ends up feeling incomplete and unsatisfying in eBook. But I’ve started to read adult epic fantasy mostly in eBook because they seem less daunting, and less draggy that way. Weird.

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      1. Yes. What would take me 4 hours reading a physical copy, it would be half of that in an e-book. And I know what you mean in regards to reading young adult books in the physical copy. For me it has to do with the fact that I actually want to buy them and have them on my bookshelf. HAHA I really like the majority of covers for young adult books.

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      2. Yeah I know what you mean, I read on Kindle book that are more long or have a massive feel to them, lol. But I love printed books a lot. I read them fast as well but not as fast as I read my eBooks πŸ˜‰

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  6. I am literally the slowest reader amongst my entire family circle when it comes to books yet blogs I seem to get through so darn fast… can’t quite figure that one out yet lol Gotta give this a go – looks like it could be fun πŸ˜€ X

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  7. Apparently, I read 3% slower than the national average, but I got all the questions right. That’s probably why it shocks me when I hear people saying they read 200 books a year. What?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You read fast πŸ™‚ and… 200 books in a year is a lot, lol. I can barely read 30-50 book a year, lol, with all that’s going on in my life, lol.


      1. I would have coffee to your reply even though I’m not a big coffee drinker but how I act in public, you would think I have consumed too much caffeine.

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