* The Versatile Blogger Award * Wow!


I hope you’re all enjoying the new year so far. I had a great start for 2015; eating, drinking, and gaming with hubby, lol. I didn’t start the new year with many posts but no worries, I will start posting again soon. I am also planning a few changes to my blog. I want it to show a combination of a more professional writer, but also a fun blog. Will see how it goes, lol. Btw, if you haven’t read my daily updates (on the right) I reached 200 followers, how awesome is that? right? Thank you guys so much, I have so many feels to know that you are part of my journey ❤

This is a great start to the year to be nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award, thank you so much, Jen from The Avon Insider (I also used the picture from her post) and nominated by Nadine from Ladies and Lace. I have also been nominated by the lovely Erika from Erika The Bibliophile If you still don’t know their blogs, go check it out, follow them and I guarantee you will enjoy their posts ❤

So the rules for this award are:

  1. Show the award on your blog
  2. Thank the person who nominated you.
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 blogs.
  5. Link your nominee’s blogs and let them know

My Seven new random facts about myself:

1) I love to read so much that re-read my books more than 10-30 times for each book.

2) I love change, but I am not spontaneous (not at all, lol).

3) I detest books that had been corrupted in any way (folded corners or pages, broken spines, peeled covers). I will buy a new one if something like that happened to one of my books, like if I placed a book in my bag (happened 3 times only, I think).

4) This you may already know about me, but I love all things geek, a lot!

5) I eat gluten, dairy and soy free. It’s not because I want to, but I have a huge allergy to them.

6) I loveee dancing since I was a kid (I learned ballet for 8 years, and modern dancing for another 6).

7) My dream job would be a successful author. Yes, an author, what a dream come true that will be.

So there you have it, my new random facts. All that’s left to do is nominate my 15 beautiful bloggers… However firstly, my apologies if you’ve been nominated before and I should mention there’s absolutely no pressure to accept either

Here are the nominees:


blonde amy

Rachel Ellis Fashion and Beauty

Brin’s Book Blog

Words On A Blackboard

The Girl in the Little Black Dress

Kate M. Colby

Daily (w)rite

Bent Spines

The Crazy Bag Lady

Love & Olives

Young British Female

The Reading Bud

Very Erin

Someday Sunny

Thank you so much for reading ❤


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29 thoughts on “* The Versatile Blogger Award * Wow!

  1. I really enjoyed reading this! I also have a dairy allergy.
    Dancing is food for the soul, I think. I was a ballerina for eleven years before stopping but I will always love it with all my heart. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on the award. 🙂

    I am the opposite when it comes to change – I don’t like it, but yet I’m quite spontaneous.

    And I feel the pain with the allergies. I’m dairy free, and that’s hard enough. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to have to watch out for gluten and soya as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂
      Yes it is hard, lol. My gluten allergies came first which was hard, but I had soy and soon after that both soy and dairy was gone. It’s still hard, but I hope to get better at choosing better foods.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your answers! I’m also big on change but not big on being spontaneous too. lol (What’s with us??) It’s ok that you used the image above, I created it, I figured the versatile blogger award image needed a facelift, anyone can use it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, lol, I know… I am not good at being spontaneous, not even a little bit, lol.
      Thank you so much for the picture, forgot to ask, so I wrote it in the post. I couldn’t find a nice picture.

      Liked by 1 person

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