Weekly Round Up


Happy Sunday everyone,

I hope you are all having an amazing holiday/Sunday and enjoying a bit of relaxation time. Celebrating with tons of gifts, yummy drinks, good food, and family ❀

I am still sick (wow, almost an entire month), but starting to feel a bit better. My throat still hurts but less than before so I can eat normal food and as the doctor suggested I am eating a sorbet ice cream (in this cold weather), which helps a lot with the burning sensation in my throat.

Other than that, I get to sleep a lot ( a bit more than I wanted) and I dream of the morning I will wake up all better πŸ˜€

So get comfy, warm (and safe), grab something yummy and enjoy this short Weekly round-up here at Coffee n’ Notes

Random Ramblings


What a weird Christmas it has been. I’ve planned a lot of things for hubby and I but I guess life had something else intended for me πŸ˜‰

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to you all and I hope you are having a wonderful holiday ❀

As always, thank you so much for reading ❀

GalitLet’s chat on:

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12 thoughts on “Weekly Round Up

  1. Oy! I hope you’re feeling better soon. Whenever I have a sore throat, especially because I tend to get Strep a few times a year, I gargle and drink organic apple cider vinegar, with the mother. I prefer Bragg’s ACV. If my throat is really bad, I’ll take two tablespoons, straight, like medicine. It burns, but I always feel better within an hour or so. I also mix it with warm water and pinch of salt, and drink it. It tastes like salt and vinegar chips!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow I never heard of that, thanks for the tip πŸ˜€ I only know to gargle with salt, lol and that hurts.
      I do feel better than the last week, but I can’t wait to heal completely πŸ˜€


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