Friday Musing (+Update)


Before I will write this Friday Musing, I wanted to update you all about my week.

At the start of the week I was with my mom in the hospital for some test and a small medical procedure. Hubby got sick and now… I am sick, lol. I guess I couldn’t hide from it šŸ˜€

I hate being sick!

I haven’t written even one single word this week, which puts me behind schedule by a lot! I do hope to be able to write by Sunday, hopefully, I feel much better by then. I hope!

I am so happy it’s Friday Musing again, as I really love these series.

Now, that I had a bit of a hard week it’s nice to find things that make the week somewhat better.

This Friday Musing is a chat I saw in one of the writing groups I am in about following your dreams and it made me think about that a lot. I am still pondering on all the questions that keep popping into my head.

If someone from the future told me that no matter what, I will never succeed in my craft. In my case… That I would never be an author no matter how much I try. Would I keep writing?

If in advance you knew that you will fail… Will you stop trying? Will you keep going? Why?

I will make things short for the sake of this post, lol…

After I thought about it my simple answer is, yes! I will continue on writing, but not just because of the obvious reason that I am a writer and I need to write no matter if I ever will publish or not.

Writing is air – it’s simple as that.

Even if I am not writing my book or editing I am still writing but hey you already knew all that, lol.

What really made me thinking and realizing about my writing career, is that no matter what I will keep on going, just because writing is like breathing. No matter how much I want that people will someday read and enjoy my writing, I will not stop writing, not even when someone from the future would come and say that this will never happen.

I need writing to survive!

Knowing that in this week where I couldn’t write much made me very happy šŸ™‚

Ok, sorry for all my rambling and I hope it wasn’t too long šŸ˜€

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend, btw today is Friday the 13th… Scary šŸ˜‰

What makes you follow your dreams? Would you stop? Feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Thank you so much for reading ā¤

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36 thoughts on “Friday Musing (+Update)

  1. I don’t think I would ever stop writing–There are too many stories and characters I want to explore! And I would still hope that, even if most of the world hated my writing, there will be some people out there who are touched by it and enjoy the stories as much as I do. šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is the first winter in many, many winters that I have not been sick. It was also my first winter totally away from and over my ex wife. Hmmmmmm! I hope you all feel better soon, spring is coming, hold in there!

    I agree with you, writing is air to me. I love it! I love creating and getting lost in my own stories. I can already tell by the fact I can’t even get my girlfriend to read my stories I probably won’t be on a best sellers list anytime in the near, or far future, but I keep on writing, keep on reading, and keep on dreaming!

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    1. I am happy to read that you didn’t get sick this sick šŸ™‚ I hope it will continue that way. Don’t worry about your girlfriend not wanting to read your stories, it really doesn’t matter. When you write something that will go under your skin, she will. Your extreme love ā¤ for the story, will make surre of that šŸ™‚

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  3. I think what keeps me following my dreams is knowing that there are always people who will support them and the fact that I would be extremely satisfied if I managed to make a dream a reality.
    Lovely post, Galit! ā¤

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  4. Hope you’re starting to feel better. I agree. Being sick sucks!

    I wouldn’t stop writing. I couldn’t. And I am so stubborn that I would never believe it wasn’t possible that I wouldn’t succeed. Your words sums it up perfectly. Writing is air. Simple.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This has been a terrible winter for colds and flu. I feel like I am sick again and I am not even off antibiotics yet from my last throat infection. I hope you feel better soon. I have thought about writing a childrenā€™s book many times but I never seem to get far with it. I really need to record ideas when I am inspired.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry you are sick as well, I hope that I will not need to take antibiotics so I amtrying hard to get better šŸ™‚ I think having a little notebook in you bag can help or a nice app that you love on your phone. That way when you get an idea just jott it down, soon enoughmore and more ideas will come.

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