Goodbye 2015: Reflections and Goals

Goodbye2015It’s only a few hours before the New Year arrives and it seems as if the world stops and waits for it to come, lol.

This post will be long (sorry for that), so grab yourself something yummy, a fluffy blanket and relax as you read through this post πŸ™‚

Reflection On 2015

For me, 2015 went by in a flash, I could barely calm myself down and enjoy a month, and the second month jumped in front of me. Soon enough it’s the end of the year. Looking back at 2015, I recognized some of my wrongs and some of the things I did well.


These 4 months were a good start of the year. I did struggle a bit with my writing but I managed to write a lot. I was very focused on my goals and I had minimum distractions.

This blog was still relatively new and I learned so much through blogging and through the wonderful people here.

I feel like a broken record saying this, but you guys are more than amazing to me (really). You have an amazing power to lift my spirit and these gifts I always take with me in my everyday life.


These 2 months were extremely good. I was on the right track and I knew what I want from my writing, home, and blog. I managed to do a lot of work and it made me feel productive and efficient.


Well, life got a lot more complicated, fast.

My mom had chosen to get out of her house and go to a Home. It was a hard transition for us all and tons more work, lol πŸ˜€ To tell you the truth, I felt more than overwhelmed and stressed.

I tried to do so much in a short period of time and it was just a matter of time until I will hit that wall. Summer is hard for me, anyways and I wasn’t used being so active at summer time.

I am very happy though that I have the opportunity to help my mom and be there for her, mostly because I get to know my mom as she is now and as I am now (both adults), but I did need to learn to take care of myself better.

In these 5 months, I did learn a lot about my writing and how I can write fast and everywhere πŸ˜‰ It’s true that this is not always my best writing (I can always edit later), but as long as I’m writing, everything is okay πŸ™‚

The editing part is hard for me, I have yet learned how to do it if I’m not at home, sitting by my desk with headphones on (with white noise playing).


Wow, what a month this is. I am sick for almost the entire month, lol. Did nothing but sleep most of the time.

2015 Goals


Saying goodbye to 2015, is a lot easier than other years, lol.

Even though I’ve learned so much this year, it’s still has been a very hectic and stressful year. I could easily say that this year was a bit too much for me and I wouldn’t mind if next year would be a little bit less busy (or crazy) πŸ˜‰

Here is my Goodbye 2014, if you want to travel a year back (just click on the picture) πŸ˜€



My Goals (or plans) for 2015 were: Finish Immortal Earth, Book #1 (The Earth Legacy Series) and even finish editing it as well.

I did finish writing the first draft, but I didn’t start editing it.


I bought a few books about editing, writing and about the business behind the writer/author. Took lots of notes, listened to some awesome podcasts and even watched a few great YouTube videos. Did tons of research so I will know my craft better πŸ˜‰

Planning & Time Management

I was always good with planning but I was less good with the whole time management thing, lol. Luckily I’ve learned a lot (and still learning) about time management and how to plan things better.

I am so lucky to have such wonderful bloggers who helped me with their posts about this subject and watch some great YouTubers who helped me plan my months and days better and be more efficient and utilize better the tools I have (my planner, the old pen and paper, my phone and even if I want, my tablet) πŸ˜€


Wow, this one was hard and tons of fun πŸ˜€

I tried to blog 3 times a week, some weeks I blogged more but most of the time I blogged three or less. I have enjoyed experimenting with some features and types of posts and I hope that I will be doing much better next year.


β€œBooks must be treated with respect, we feel that in our bones because words have power. Bring enough words together they can bend space and time.”
― Terry Pratchett

I happy to say that this year, I’ve read more than I planned to read. I wish I could have read more but thereΒ were weeks I couldn’t read at all.

I miss books so much and it’s true that I can continue on reading on my tablet or phone, but I miss the touch and smell of a new book.

Health and Fitness

Sadly, here I haven’t succeeded at all. I did try my best to eat healthier but as the stress built up, I went back to my old bad habits 😦 I need to learn to handle this better. I think I did well with my goal to stay positive and think positive. I do try to go by this rule every day πŸ˜€

Wow, we reach the end πŸ˜€ If you made it until the end, you are amazing ❀ If you didn’t, you are still amazing πŸ˜‰

As always, thank you so much for reading ❀

GalitLet’s chat on:

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18 thoughts on “Goodbye 2015: Reflections and Goals

  1. You are pretty darn amazing yourself! Best of luck with continued productivity in 2016. Being productive in spite of life is an achievement worth celebrating. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww ((blushing)), thank you hun πŸ’— You are so right, lol, life is hard and to be able to do something is great by itself, lol πŸ˜€
      Happy and amazing New Year and may it be productive for us both πŸ˜„

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so happy I found your blog. I enjoy your posts and even more, have enjoyed meeting you in the blogosphere. Happy New year, dear, and may 2016 be bright and shining for you. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

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