Behind The Scenes

Recently I got two emails asking about my writing process, but wishing to stay anonymous.

The post got a bit too long so I cut it into two posts. The first one is here and I hope you will enjoy this one as well.

Question: “What do you do when you sit down to write, but nothing comes out?”


Believe it or not, but this happens sometimes to everyone and that’s ok.

The first thing You need to do is: Don’t Panic! LOL. Relax and breath, don’t think the worst of you or your writing.

The second thing is, take a piece of paper or a notebook (I love the A3 white papers) and a pen or a few with a highlighter like I do. Start writing down whatever comes to mind. This is the “fun and games” part of your work, enjoy it. Write down anything, even if it’s your to-do list, a doodle or anything that you want to clear out of your head (even if it just how frustrated you are right now), anything goes.

Once you did that, you will feel lighter. As if your mind is thinking clearer and better, now it’s time to start the real work.

Take another paper or continue on the same paper you had before. Brainstorm a bit of what do you want to write about, or maybe what would you love to be reading (books or posts), but you haven’t found anything or found little on that subject. I call this ‘lighting the spark‘. You start with something so small, but this little thing can spark an idea for your post or even for your future story.

Don’t think too much, just write down any word, anything. Soon enough you’ll see that these random things you wrote down are actually a start of something. Maybe an idea for a post or even a few sentences of the posts. Maybe it’s a scene from a story played out in your head, just waiting to be written.

Slowly you will get used to thinking of ideas and plots and stories. Soon your head will be so full of them that some will fade, just because you didn’t write them down in time.

Hope this was helpful in any way, to you and to others who read my blog πŸ™‚

How do you come up with ideas? Do you brainstorm, or just start writing? Share your thoughts πŸ™‚

Thank you so much for reading ❀

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*** If you have any question you would love to ask me about writing, life, blogging or anything else just write in the comments and I will try to answer them all in a next post πŸ™‚

14 thoughts on “Behind The Scenes

  1. I take a notebook with me to work, in case story ideas come to me, or I can work on a WIP during lunch break. But usually story ideas just come to me in general and I just sort of write from there. I might sometimes make a small, sketchy outline, hitting highlight ideas, and fill in from there as I go.

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    1. I do the same. I have a notebook for writing down ideas and each idea is written and even with a hint of what might come of in the future. Maybe somewhere in the future I will look at it and see the idea and what I thought of it and it will help πŸ™‚

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